Deepika High School, Modankap, is administered by the Vidyavardhini Committee (R), Modankap. Established on 15-6-1964, the institution has completed 60 years and is currently celebrating its diamond jubilee.
With the noble aim of providing quality education at an affordable cost to underprivileged students in the region, the school was founded under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Edwin Alphonsus Castelino, who was the parish priest of Infant Jesus Church, Modankap, at the time. He was joined by renowned scholars and intellectuals, including the late Dr. Arya Laxminarayana Alva and Victor Raschina, as well as local leaders like Mr. Gudinabali Idinabba and Simphrose D'Costa, who formed the committee to establish the school.
At present, the institution has 199 students, 8 teachers, and one assistant, along with a computer teacher, appointed by the management.