Deepika School's journey began in 1964 when the government announced plans to acquire land in Modankapu for residential housing, prompting community concerns. This land was crucial for establishing a high school in the area, a vision shared by local leaders, including Father E.I. Castalino and the narrator, who recognized the need for educational facilities. Despite facing hurdles due to ongoing disputes and regulatory challenges, they were determined to secure the land for their vision of a school.
With the help of key figures like District Commissioner Shri H.L. Nagay Gowda and Taluk Development Board President Smt. Leelavathi Rai, the community formed a registered committee to push for the school's establishment. The committee, consisting of local entrepreneurs and priests, submitted an application for high school approval, which faced delays due to bureaucratic challenges. Nevertheless, they remained committed to their goal, knowing that the future of education in their community depended on it.
The journey to get approval was fraught with challenges, including a setback when their application seemed lost in bureaucracy. However, after a series of determined efforts, including navigating through government offices and overcoming obstacles, the application was finally submitted to the relevant authorities in Bangalore. The perseverance paid off, and Deepika School received the approval needed to open its doors to students.
Deepika School officially commenced operations with a dedicated principal, Shri V. Gopal, and a small team who worked tirelessly to establish a solid foundation for the institution. Over the years, the school grew, providing education and opportunities to countless students, shaping their futures and contributing to the community's development. As Deepika celebrated its twenty-five years of existence, it stood as a testament to the collaborative efforts, selflessness, and dedication of everyone involved, fostering a legacy of learning and growth for generations to come.